Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Some Roomspiration

My room is (*notabitproudofit*) a 76,4 % DIYed and my totally fav dormroom of all time and u breads gonna see it now!

1. Bedtime!

- framed, printed pictures (Harry Potter fandomed)
- cutted canape (at the back side) so that my pictures are shown
- totally coziest bedding of all time
- totally cheapest pillows of all time (2.99 $/ piece)

- DIYed pictures, black tape 'frames'

2. Plants are friends

- I crafted this plant shelf some years ago and I'm pretty obsessed woth te fact that its still standing more or less in line. 

- printed LOTR Middleearth map, decorated with christmas lights

3. Desk Area

- the so tumblr polaroid pictures that just  printed and cutted out so that it would look like polaroids. #toopoorforafujifilm lol

- zombie + shaun of the dead fandom collage using a map of London, printed zombie pics and a lot of duck tape

- gold-sprayed giraffe and plastic flowers that always drink my water too speedy
(And who finds the tales of beedle the bard)

I hope u breads found some inspiration for your own room. Next time I'll take u with me when the creative side of my brain activates itself again.
(Probably for Back To School then)